’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 7’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 7
Speaker – Nick Howes (Lead Research and Development Specialist & Test Analyst – Space SI division – BMT Defence and Security.
Head of Aerolite Meteorites in UK/Europe).

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 7 Read More »’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 6’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 6
Speaker – Heidi Thiemann (a PhD Astronomer at the Open University.
She is also Advisor to, Director/Co-founder of the Space Skills Allience and Senior Mentor at Space School UK).

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 6 Read More »

Remembering’s Patron – The Renowned Pioneer Whose Work Expanded Our Horizons’s patron – Apollo 15 astronaut, Colonel Alfred Merrill Worden (Al) sadly passed away in his sleep on 18th March 2020, age 88.

Al Worden served as Command Module Pilot (CMP) on Apollo 15, the fourth manned lunar landing mission which was the first to visit and explore the Moon’s Hadley Rille and Apennine Mountains that are located on the South East edge of the Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains) in 1971.

This mission was the first flight of the Lunar Roving Vehicle which astronauts used to explore the geology of the Hadley Rille/Apennine region. The LRV allowed Apollo 15, 16 and 17 astronauts to venture further from the Lunar Module than in previous missions.

Al’s companions on the flight were David R. Scott, spacecraft commander and James B. Irwin, lunar module commander

One of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon – Colonel Al Worden earned a Master of Science degree in astronautical/aeronautical engineering and instrumentation engineering from the University of Michigan in 1963 – Later in 1971 the university awarded him an honoury doctorate of science in astronautical engineering.

Al was a man of many talents also known as an influential author and poet.


NASA Experience –

One of the 19 astronauts selected by NASA in April 1966, Al served as a member of the astronaut support crew for the Apollo 9 flight and as backup Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 12 flight.


The Apollo 15 patch design is of three birds flying over the lunar surface, each one indicating each astronaut who was on the flight. The lunar surface behind the patch shows the landing site (next to Hadley Rille at the foot of the Appenine Mountains) and directly behind the birds is a crater formation that spells “15” in Roman numerals – XV. You can also see from the birds that they fly in formation with one on top indicating who stayed in lunar orbit (Al Worden) and two closer to the lunar surface, representing the astronauts who landed on the Moon’s surface (David Scott and James Irwin).

During the Apollo 15 mission, Al Worden set two Guiness World Records –

1 – The most isolated that any human has been from another person – completed while orbiting the Moon while his crewmates David Scott and James Irwin roamed the lunar surface (Al Worden didn’t land on the Moon’s surface and stayed in orbit around the Moon).

2 – The first spacewalk in deep space – completed en route home and still more than 196,000 miles from Earth – the aim was to retrieve film cassettes from cameras in the scientific instrument module on the spacecraft.

Total EVA time was 38 minutes, 12 seconds.

A spacewalk is also known as an Extravehicular activity (EVA).


Apollo 15 Key Dates:

Launch Saturn V 26th July 1971

Lunar Landing – 30th July 1971 Hadley Apennine

Lunar Lift off – 2nd August 1971

Al Worden Performs First Spacewalk – 5th August 1971

Splashdown – 7th August 1971 in Pacific Ocean

Total Mission Duration: 12 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes

In more recent years Al Worden became the patron of –

“The most important thing we can leave for our descendants is a love of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). These are the tools that will enable us to survive in today’s world and help us find a safe place in the future in which to prosper. I encourage all young people to focus on these disciplines to become part of the solution rather than the problem. It is our future that you hold in your hands and is a good source of information!” Al Worden

Al Worden was a geniuine, kind person with an infectious sense of humour – a true Apollo legend.

He will be extremely missed by all.

“Do you know what they did down on the Moon? What those guys’ primary job was? They picked up rocks and dirt. Now, myself, in lunar orbit…” – Al Worden, Apollo 15 CMP


Remembering’s Patron – The Renowned Pioneer Whose Work Expanded Our Horizons Read More »’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 5’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 5
Speaker – William Foster
William’s roles at NASA –
Mission Control Center Ground Control Officer
International Space Station Ground Controller
CST-100 Lead Ground Controller
Artemis-1 Ascent Lead Ground Controller

A Exclusive Video…

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 5 Read More »’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 4’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 4
Speaker – Joanna Durrant (Presenter of the extremely popular Arts and Science Show – Jo Durrant’s Beautiful Universe on BBC Radio Gloucestershire).

Her guest speakers on the show include – Chris Hadfield, Brian May, Robin Ince, Dallas Campbell and many more…

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 4 Read More »’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 3’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 3
Speaker – Sue Nelson (an award winning radio producer,
science journalist and former BBC TV science/environment correspondent.
She is also the author of – Wally Funk’s Race for Space: The Extraordinary Story of a Female Aviation Pioneer).

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 3 Read More »’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 2’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 2
Speaker – Christopher Mick (runs the STEM educational non-profit, Space St. Croix and is also a NASA Solar System Ambassador,
Science Blogger for the Space Science Institute
and former Advisory Board Member for Infiniscope).

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 2 Read More »’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 1’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts
Week 1
Speaker – Emily Carney (creator of the highly successful Facebook group – Space Hipsters)

The 10 Minute Star Striking Facts series is an engaging online outreach project to inspire all during the Covid-19 outbreak.
On Monday each week, we will feature a different speaker with a fact of their choice.

Join us every Monday at 1pm during this period as we spike your interest and curiosity in new areas of STEM/Space knowledge in a personal and relaxed setting – perfect for people of all ages!’s 10 Minute Star Striking Facts – Week 1 Read More »

International Women’s Day 2020

Encouraging women into science

According to the Women in Science and Engineering (Wise) campaign’s latest analysis of UK labour market statistics, women make up just 23% of those in core science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) jobs.

Plus, there are still considerably more boys studying science than girls – the latest Higher Education and Skills Agency (HESA) statistics showed that only 25% of graduates from UK universities with degrees in science are women.

This International Women’s Day – we are highlighting the incredible achievements of some of the most influential and inspiring women in STEM….


Helen Sharman-The first UK astronaut & first woman to visit the Mir Space Station!

Helen Sharman!
Source – RocketSTEM

Helen Patricia Sharman is a British Chemist who became the first British astronaut and the first woman to visit the Mir Space Station in 1991!
Sharman was born in Grenoside, Sheffield on the 30th May 1963.

Project Juno

After responding to a radio advertisement asking for applicants to be astronauts for a mission to the Mir Space Station, Helen Sharman was selected for the mission live on ITV, on 25th of November 1989, ahead of nearly 13,000  other applicants.
Before launch, Sharman spent 18 months in intensive flight training in Star City.


Katherine Johnson – Calculated the trajectory of the 1961 flight of Alan Shepard, the first American in space!  (1918 – 2020)

Katherine Johnson!
Source – NASA

Katherine Johnson was a former NASA mathematician.  Born on August 26, 1918 in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, Johnson began her career in 1953 at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the agency that preceded NASA, one of a number of African-American women hired to work as “computers” in what was then their Guidance and Navigation Department.


Working at NASA Langley Research Center  from 1953 until her retirement in 1986, Johnson made critical technical contributions which included, calculating the trajectory of the 1961 flight of Alan Shepard, the first American in space.

She also played a crucial role in verifying the calculations made by early electronic computers of John Glenn’s 1962 launch to orbit and the 1969 Apollo 11 trajectory to the moon.
Johnson worked on the Space Shuttle Program and the Earth Resources Satellite and encouraged students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology engineering and mathematics).


Mary Jackson – NASA’S First Black Female Engineer!  (1921 – 2005)

Mary Jackson at Work at NASA Langley!
Source – NASA

After two years in the computing pool, Mary Jackson received an offer to work for engineer Kazimierz Czarnecki in the 4-foot by 4-foot Supersonic Pressure Tunnel, a 60,000 horsepower wind tunnel capable of blasting models with winds approaching twice the speed of sound.  Czarnecki offered Mary hands-on experience conducting experiments in the facility, and eventually suggested that she enter a training program that would allow her to earn a promotion from mathematician to engineer. Trainees had to take graduate level math and physics in after-work courses managed by the University of Virginia.  Because the classes were held at then-segregated Hampton High School, however, Mary needed special permission from the City of Hampton to join her white peers in the classroom.  Never one to flinch in the face of a challenge, Mary completed the courses, earned the promotion, and in 1958 became NASA’s first black female engineer.  That same year, she co-authored her first report, Effects of Nose Angle and Mach Number on Transition on Cones at Supersonic Speeds.

Mary Jackson began her engineering career in an era in which female engineers of any background were a rarity; in the 1950s, she very well may have been the only black female aeronautical engineer in the field.


Dorothy Vaughan – NASA’s first African-American manager!  (1910 – 2008)

Dorothy Vaughan
Source – NASA

It’s easy to overlook the people who paved the way for the agency’s current robust and diverse workforce and leadership.  Those who speak of NASA’s pioneers rarely mention the name Dorothy Vaughan, but as the head of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA’s) segregated West Area Computing Unit from 1949 until 1958, Vaughan was both a respected mathematician and NASA’s first African-American manager.

Dorothy Vaughan came to the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory in 1943, during the height of World War II, leaving her position as the math teacher at Robert Russa Moton High School in Farmville, VA to take what she believed would be a temporary war job.  Two years after President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 into law, prohibiting racial, religious and ethnic discrimination in the country’s defence  industry, the Laboratory began hiring black women to meet the skyrocketing demand for processing aeronautical research data.  Urgency and twenty-four hour shifts prevailed – as did Jim Crow laws which required newly-hired “coloured” mathematicians to work separately from their white female counterparts. Dorothy Vaughan was assigned to the segregated “West Area Computing” unit, an all-black group of female mathematicians, who were originally required to use separate dining and bathroom facilities.  Over time, both individually and as a group, the West Computers distinguished themselves with contributions to virtually every area of research at Langley.


Libby Jackson – The Human Spaceflight and Microgravity Programme Manager for the UK Space Agency!

Libby Jackson!

Libby Jackson is currently the Human Spaceflight and Microgravity Programme Manager for the UK Space Agency, so she is responsible for the UK’s Human Spaceflight and Microgravity programmes on the International Space Station (ISS).

She used to be a flight director on space missions, ensuring that everyone worked together and everything went according to plan.

Libby attended space school when she was 15, and that made her realise there was a space industry you could work in.  Then in Year 12,  she had to do a work placement and herself and a friend wrote to NASA – They never expected to get in, but to there amazement they were invited to do two weeks at the Johnson Space Center!

Libby has published a wonderful book –
A Galaxy of Her Own: Amazing Stories of Women in Space
From small steps to giant leaps, A Galaxy of Her Own tells fifty stories of inspirational women who have been fundamental to the story of humans in space, from scientists to astronauts to some surprising roles in between.


Valentina Tereshkova – First Woman in Space!

Valentina Tereshkova before her mission!
Source – Roscosmos


Interested in parachuting from a young age, Tereshkova began skydiving at a local flying club, making her first jump at the age of 22 in May 1959.  At the time of her selection as a cosmonaut, she was working as a textile worker in a local factory.

After the first human spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin, the selection of female cosmonaut trainees was authorised by the Soviet government, with the aim of ensuring the first woman in space was a Soviet citizen.

On 16 February 1962, out of more than 400 applicants, five women were selected to join the cosmonaut corps: Tatyana Kuznetsova, Irina Solovyova, Zhanna Yorkina, Valentina Ponomaryova and Valentina Tereshkova. The group spent several months in training, which included weightless flights, isolation tests, centrifuge tests, 120 parachute jumps and pilot training in jet aircraft.

Four candidates passed the final examinations in November 1962, after which they were commissioned as lieutenants in the Soviet air force (meaning Tereshkova also became the first civilian to fly in space, since technically these were only honorary ranks).

Originally a joint mission was planned that would see two women launched on solo Vostok flights on consecutive days in March or April 1963.  Tereshkova, Solovyova and Ponomaryova were the leading candidates.  It was intended that Tereshkova would be launched first in Vostok 5, with Ponomaryova following her in Vostok 6.

However, this plan was changed in March 1963: Vostok 5 would carry a male cosmonaut, Valeri Bykovsky, flying the mission with a woman in Vostok 6 in June. The Russian space authorities nominated Tereshkova to make the joint flight.

Valentina Tereshkova remains the only woman ever to have flown a solo space mission.

Her daughter Elena, was the first child born to parents who had both been in space.


Sally Ride – First American Female Astronaut!  (1951 – 2012)

Sally Ride poses on the Aft Flight Deck with her back to the on orbit station!
Source – NASA

One of six women selected in NASA’s 1978 astronaut class, Sally Ride was the first of them to fly.   When she rode aboard the space shuttle Challenger as it lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on June 18, 1983, she became the first American woman in space and captured the nation’s attention and imagination as a symbol of the ability of women to break barriers.  As one of the three mission specialists on the STS-7 mission, she played a vital role in helping the crew deploy communications satellites, conduct experiments and make use of the first Shuttle Pallet Satellite.  Her pioneering voyage and remarkable life helped, as President Barack Obama said soon after her death last summer, “inspire generations of young girls to reach for the stars” for she “showed us that there are no limits to what we can achieve.”

Fascinated by science from a young age, she pursued the study of physics, along with English, in school.
As she was graduating from Stanford University with a Ph.D. in physics, having done research in astrophysics and free electron laser physics, Ride noticed a newspaper ad for NASA astronauts.  She turned in an application, along with 8,000 other people, and was one of only 35 chosen to join the astronaut corps.  Joining NASA in 1978, she served as the ground-based capsule communicator, or capcom, for the second and third space shuttle missions (STS- 2 and STS-3) and helped with development of the space shuttle’s robotic arm.

Retiring from NASA in 1987, she became a science fellow at the Center for International Security and Arms Control at Stanford University and, in 1989, joined the University of California-San Diego as a professor of physics and director of the California Space Institute. In 2001, she founded her own company, Sally Ride Science, to pursue her passion for motivating girls and boys to study the STEM fields-science, technology, engineering and math.  The company creates innovative classroom materials, programs and professional development training for teachers.
In 2003 she also served on the presidential commission investigating the Columbia accident (the only person to serve on both commissions).
In addition to this work, she wrote a number of science books for children, including The Third Planet, which won the American Institute of Physics Children’s Science Writing Award in 1995.

In 2003, Ride was added to the Astronaut Hall of Fame.   The Astronaut Hall of Fame honours astronauts for their hard work.


Roma Agrawal – A structural engineer on The Shard!

Roma Agrawal!
Source – IET

A structural engineer with a physics degree.   She has always loved science and design and found engineering to be a great combination between the two.

She has designed bridges, skyscrapers and sculptures with signature architects over her  ten year career.  She spent six years working on The Shard, the tallest building in Western Europe, and designed the foundations and the ‘Spire’.

In addition to winning industry awards, her career has been extensively featured in the media, including on BBC World News, BBC Daily Politics, TEDx, The Evening Standard, The Sunday Times, Guardian, The Telegraph, Independent, Cosmopolitan and Stylist Magazines, documentaries and in online blogs.  She was the only woman featured on Channel 4’s documentary on the Shard, ‘The Tallest Tower’.   Roma was part of M&S’s ‘Leading Ladies’ campaign 2014 and was described as a top woman tweeter by the Guardian

Outside work, Roma promotes engineering, scientific and technical careers to young people and particularly to under-represented groups such as women.   She also engages about these topics with the Institutions and government to understand and develop an effective way forward.    Roma has spoken to over 3000 people at over 50 schools, universities and organisations across the country and organisations across the country and abroad!

Roma has recently released a book –
Built: The Hidden Stories Behind our Structures
A unique look at how construction has evolved from the mud huts of our ancestors to towers of steel that reach into the sky.


Ada Lovelace – The first ever computer programmer!  (1815 – 1852)

Ada Lovelace!
Source –

The idea that the 1840s saw the birth of computer science as we know it today may seem like a preposterous one, but long before the Bombe, the Colossus or the Harvard Mark I – long before any computer was actually built – came a remarkable woman whose understanding of computing remained unparalleled and unappreciated for 100 years.  Brought up in an era when women were routinely denied education, she saw further into the future than any of her male counterparts, and her work influenced the thinking of one of World War II’s greatest minds.

Fearing that Ada would inherit her father’s volatile ‘poetic’ temperament, her mother raised her under a strict regimen of science, logic, and mathematics.
Ada herself from childhood had a fascination with machines – designing fanciful boats and steam flying machines, and poring over the diagrams of the new inventions of the Industrial Revolution that filled the scientific magazines of the time.

in 1833, Lovelace’s mentor, the scientist and polymath Mary Sommerville, introduced her to Charles Babbage, the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics who had already attained considerable celebrity for his visionary and perpetually unfinished plans for gigantic clockwork calculating machines.  Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace both had somewhat unconventional personalities and became close and lifelong friends. Babbage described her as “that Enchantress who has thrown her magical spell around the most abstract of Sciences and has grasped it with a force which few masculine intellects could have exerted over it,” or an another occasion, as “The Enchantress of Numbers”.

In 1842 Lovelace translated a short article describing the Analytical Engine by the italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea, for publication in England.  Babbage asked her to expand the article, “as she understood the machine so well”.   The final article is over three times the length of the original and contains several early ‘computer programs,’ as well as strikingly prescient observations on the potential uses of the machine, including the manipulation of symbols and creation of music.
Although Babbage and his assistants had sketched out programs for his engine before, Lovelace’s are the most elaborate and complete, and the first to be published; so she is often referred to as “the first computer programmer”.
Babbage himself “spoke highly of her mathematical powers, and of her peculiar capability – higher he said than of any one he knew, to prepare the descriptions connected with his calculating machine.”


Maria Mitchell – The First Female Professional American Astronomer!
(1818 – 1889)

Maria Mitchell!
Source – Big Think Youtube

Maria Mitchell was an astronomer, librarian, naturalist, and above all an educator. She discovered a comet through a telescope, for which she was awarded a gold medal by the King of Denmark.  She was then thrust into the international spotlight and became America’s first professional female astronomer.

Her father was a great influence on her life; Maria developed her love of astronomy from his instruction on surveying and navigation.   At age 12, Maria helped her father calculate the position of their home by observing a solar eclipse.  By 14, sailors trusted her to do vital navigational computations for their long whaling journeys. Maria pursued her love of learning as a young woman, becoming the Nantucket Atheneum’s first librarian.
She and her father continued to acquire astronomical equipment and conduct observations.

On October 1st, 1847, Maria was sweeping the sky from the roof of the Pacific National Bank on Main Street, where her father was the Cashier.  She spotted a small blurry object that did not appear on her charts.  She had discovered a comet!
After achieving her fame, Maria was widely sought after and went on to achieve many great things.  She resigned her post at the Atheneum in 1856 to travel throughout the US and Europe.  In 1865, she became Professor of Astronomy at the newly-founded Vassar College.

Maria was an inspiration to her students. It was Vassar College that Maria felt was truly her home.  She believed in learning by doing, and in the capacity of women to achieve what their male counterparts could.  “Miss Mitchell” was beloved by her students whom she taught until her retirement in 1888.


Dr Tamsin Edwards – Climate Scientist and Lecturer at King’s College London!

Dr Tamsin Edwards!
Source – @flimsin Twitter

Tamsin Edwards is a Climate Scientist and Lecturer at King’s College London!

As a Climate Scientist, she specialises in testing and assessing uncertainties for climate models, especially for the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheet contributions to future sea level rise.

Tamsin started her scientific career as a particle physicist before moving into climate science in 2006.

Her primary research focus lies in quantifying uncertainty in predictions from earth system models, including climate, cryosphere and vegetation – both in the interests of understanding past changes and predicting the range of possible futures.

Tamsin is also a popular science communicator and definitely an amazing role model for girls!


Sue Nelson – An award winning radio producer, science journalist and former BBC TV science and environment correspondent

Sue is an award winning radio producer, science journalist and former BBC TV science and environment correspondent.

She has reported on science for all the BBC’s national television and radio news programmes. She has presented numerous Radio 4 programmes, was editor of The Biologist (2010-15) and produces documentaries for BBC radio. She also co-produces/presents the Space Boffins podcast.

Sue is a published playwright, has written for a TV game show, most of the UK’s newspapers and has had several screenplays made into short films.

Sue has published a fantastic book –
Wally Funk’s Race for Space: The Extraordinary Story of a Female Aviation Pioneer.

Sue is determined to inspire more girls to develop a love for space.

International Women’s Day 2020 Read More »

World Book Day 2020

Happy World Book Day

To celebrate we are sharing Ten Top Space/STEM books –


In no particular order –

1 . Falling to Earth: An Apollo 15 Astronaut’s Journey to Earth – By Al Worden and Francis French

As command module pilot for the Apollo 15 mission to the moon in 1971, Al Worden flew on what is widely regarded as the greatest exploration mission that humans have ever attempted  He spent six days orbiting the moon, including three days completely alone, the most isolated human in existence.  During the return from the moon to earth he also conducted the first spacewalk in deep space, becoming the first human ever to see both the entire earth and moon simply by turning his head. The Apollo 15 flight capped an already impressive career as an astronaut, including important work on the pioneering Apollo 9 and Apollo 12 missions, as well as the perilous flight of Apollo 13.

Al Worden is our fantastic patron and a lovely person with a wonderful sense of humour – this book is an inspirational read for all!
When Al tells a story he makes you feel like you experienced it with him – inspiring the next generation to reach for the stars…


2.  Built: The Hidden Stories Behind our Structures – By Roma Agrawal

In BUILT, structural engineer Roma Agrawal takes a unique look at how construction has evolved from the mud huts of our ancestors to skyscrapers of steel that reach hundreds of metres into the sky.  She unearths how engineers have tunnelled through kilometres of solid mountains – how they’ve bridged across the widest and deepest of rivers, and tamed Nature’s precious and elusive water resources.  She tells vivid tales of the visionaries who created the groundbreaking materials in the Pantheon’s record holding concrete dome and the frame of the record-breaking Eiffel Tower.  Through the lens of an engineer, Roma examines tragedies like the collapse of the Quebec Bridge, highlighting the precarious task of ensuring people’s safety they hold at every step.

Roma’s passion for engineering is most certainly clear in BUILT!


3.  Ad Astra: An Illustrated Guide to Leaving the Planet – By Dallas Campbell

Whether you’ve got itchy feet and need a bit of a break, or you’re looking for a complete change of scene – this book has all the information you’ll need to leave, with FREE expert advice from the men and woman who can actually make it happen!
It covers the wonders that we can all feel about science, and more specifically space exploration, even if you’re not a professional scientist.
It’s fascinating, witty and imaginative!

If you’ve ever looked up into the skies or dreamed about leaving the planet – this book is definitely for you!

Dallas has a fantastic presenting style and his passion for STEM makes this book a compelling must-read!


4.  A Galaxy of Her Own: Amazing Stories of Women in Space – By Libby Jackson
From small steps to giant leaps, A Galaxy of Her Own tells fifty stories of inspirational women who have been fundamental to the story of humans in space, from scientists to astronauts to some surprising roles in between.
Packed full of both amazing female role models and mind-blowing secrets of space travel, A Galaxy of Her Own is guaranteed to make any reader reach for the stars!

Written by Libby Jackson, a leading UK expert in human space flight – this is a book to delight and inspire people of all ages.

Libby is an inspirational speaker and author – a truly lovely person to know!



5.  Endurance: A Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery – By Scott Kelly

A stunning, personal memoir from the NASA astronaut and modern-day hero who spent a record-breaking year aboard the International Space Station – a book that will inspire generations to come.

Scott gives a personal account of his year in space, from his training, to adjusting back to life on Earth!
A deeply absorbing and vivid look at a year in space, showing the importance of long duration space missions – that will help us explore further into the cosmos!
A truly inspirational book by an incredible, delightful and witty astronaut!



6.  Wally Funk’s Race for Space: The Extraordinary Story of a Female Aviation Pioneer – By Sue Nelson

In 1961, Wally Funk was among the Mercury 13, the first group of American pilots to pass the Woman in Space programme.  Wally sailed through a series of rigorous physical and mental tests, with one of her scores beating all the male Mercury 7 astronauts,  including John Glenn,  the first American in orbit.

But just one week before the final phase of training, the programme was abruptly cancelled.  A combination of politics and prejudice meant that none of the women ever flew into space.  Undeterred, Wally went on to become America’s first female aviation safety inspector, though her dream of being an astronaut never dimmed.

Sue is determined to inspire more girls to develop a love for space – Wally’s story is an inspiration for all!


7.  The Crowd and the Cosmos: Adventures in the Zooniverse – by Chris Lintott


The world of science has been transformed.  Where once astronomers sat at the controls of giant telescopes in remote locations, praying for clear skies – now they have no need to budge from their desks as data arrives in their inbox -what they receive is overwhelming; projects now being built provide more data in a few nights than in the whole of humanity’s history of observing the Universe.  It’s not just astronomy either – dealing with this deluge of data is the major challenge for scientists at CERN and for biologists who use automated cameras to spy on animals in their natural habitats.  Artificial intelligence is one part of the solution – but will it spell the end of human involvement in scientific discovery?

No, argues Chris Lintott. We humans still have unique capabilities to bring to bear – our curiosity, our capacity for wonder and most importantly – our capacity for surprise.  It seems that humans and computers working together do better than computers can on their own.  But with so much scientific data, you need a lot of scientists – a crowd, in fact.  Chris found such a crowd in the Zooniverse, the web-based project that allows hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic volunteers to contribute to science.

In this book, Chris describes the exciting discoveries that people all over the world have made, from galaxies to pulsars, exoplanets to moons and from penguin behaviour to old ship’s logs.  This approach builds on a long history of so-called ‘citizen science’, given new power by fast internet and distributed data.  Discovery is no longer the remit only of scientists in specialist labs or academics in ivory towers. It’s something we can all take part in.  As Chris shows, it’s a wonderful way to engage with science, yielding new insights daily.

You, too, can help explore the Universe in your lunch hour.

Chris Lintott’s Passion for astronomy and witty humour makes this book and enjoyable and captivating read for anyone whether an expert or amateur – you will most certainly enjoy this superbly written insight into the unique and powerful contribution everyone can make to scientific knowledge.


8.  Aliens: Science Asks: Is There Anyone Out There?: Science from the Other Side – Professor Jim Al-Khalili

Do Aliens Exist?


And if they do – what would they look like? Where would they live? Would they be conscious beings?  And what would happen if they found us?


These are the biggest questions we’ve ever asked – and here, Professor Jim Al-Khalili, theoretical physicist and host of BBC Radio Four’s The Life Scientific, blasts off in search of answers.  Coming with him are Martin Rees, Ian Stewart, Louisa Preston, Monica Grady, Sara Seager, Paul Davies and a crack team of scientists and experts who’ve made it their life’s work to discover the truth.

So get ready to visit the ice boulders and hydrocarbon lakes of Saturn’s moon Titan, meet the tiny eight-legged critters that could survive in space and learn about the neuroscience behind belief in alien abductions.

Lively, curious and filled with scientific insights fresh from the cutting edge of the Galaxy.


9.  Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine – By Hannah Fry

You are accused of a crime. Who would you rather determined your fate – a human or an algorithm?
An algorithm is more consistent and less prone to error of judgement – yet a human can look you in the eye before passing sentence.

Welcome to the age of the algorithm, the story of a not too distant future where machines rule supreme, making important decisions in healthcare, transport, finance, security, what we watch, where we go even who we send to prison.  So how much should we rely on them?  What kind of future do we want?

Hannah Fry takes us on a tour of the good, the bad and the downright ugly of the algorithms that surround us.  In Hello World she lifts the lid on their inner workings, demonstrates their power, exposes their limitations, and examines whether they really are an improvement on the humans they are replacing.

This book is fantastic – you must read it!


10.  Quantum: A Guide For The Perplexed – By Jim Al-Khalili

From Schrodinger’s cat to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, this book untangles the weirdness of the quantum world.

Quantum mechanics underpins modern science and provides us with a blueprint for reality itself and yet it has been said that if you’re not shocked by it, you don’t understand it.  But is quantum physics really so unknowable?  Is reality really so strange?

Our journey into the quantum begins with nature’s own conjuring trick, in which we discover that atoms – contrary to the rules of everyday experience – can exist in two locations at once.  To understand this we travel back to the dawn of the twentieth century and witness the birth of quantum theory, which over the next one hundred years was to overthrow so many of our deeply held notions about the nature of our universe.  Scientists and philosophers have been left grappling with its implications every since.

We recommend this book to anyone who is seeking an introduction to quantum mechanics!

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