We had a great time with 1st Abergele Cubs – 18.10.2018 – running our Balloon cars workshop!
The Cubs were challenged to design and build their own balloon cars!
During the session we ran the fastest balloon car competition!
We timed every balloon car on our ramp to the finish line and recorded all the times!
It was wonderful to see the Scouts being competitive – but helping each other at the same time!
Even though it was a competition, all the Scouts helped each other while building their cars!
The winner was……..
Daniel (below)

Daniel’s car (The Danmobile) had a fantastic time of 2.28 seconds!
Here is Daniel racing his winning car –
The runner-ups of the competition were… William – with his car ‘Geoff’ (time – 2.35 seconds) and Noah – with his car ‘The Noahmobile’ (time – 2.38 seconds) (below).

Well done to all of the Cubs – you all built amazing cars!