Young Ambassador, Florence Dowrick enjoyed an
Experience Day at Concorde Runway Visitor Park. One of Florence’s prizes from the Young Ambassador
Christmas Music Video Competition.
The Young Ambassadors conduct interviews with professionals and celebrities in STEM for our YouTube channel, undertake unboxings and visit places of interest. They attend events alongside
The Programme equips young people with the skills necessary to succeed.
The Young Ambassadors have fortnightly online meetings with speakers and discussions about all aspects of STEM.
They receive full public speaking training.
There is a nominal annual fee (current rate of £140) for the Young Ambassador Programme – is a non-profit organisation – Ambassadors are entitled to stay within the programme until they reach 15 (renewal age 14) providing payment is received by the start of each annual term.
Applications are accepted before the January admission/renewal date each year (if spaces within the Programme are available), but young people age 7-14 can join the waiting list at any point throughout the year to be considered for a place at the next admission opportunity.
At age 15 (renewal age 14) Young Ambassadors will graduate from the programme with a trophy.
James Burk James is the Executive Director of the Mars Society –
his responsibilities include managing the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah
and the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station in Canada.
With a background as a Microsoft engineer.
Phil Fletcher and Hacker T Dog Phil is a professional puppeteer, puppet builder and performer/voice of
CBBCs Hacker T Dog, he has interviewed numerous celebrities for CBBC.
Phil has also been a puppeteer for Sweep from the Sooty Show.