We had a fantastic time on the 5.02.18 with 1st Abergele Scouts, building boats & having a competition to test their stability!
Each boat had to hold a hard boiled egg and keep it dry!
They each got to test their boats once to make improvements before the competition!
Everyone enjoyed learning about the centre of mass, buoyancy, streamline boats and water resistance!
The winner of the competition was…… Iori – with his boat ‘Floater’!
He was extremely delighted with his prize (below)!

The runners-up of the competition were… Luke – with his boat ‘Floaty’, and Rhys – with his boat ‘HMS Sellotape’ (also known as ‘Lucky’)!
The winner and the runners-up receiving their prizes (below)!

Fantastic and innovative boat designs by the Scouts, which were very impressive!
A great educational and fun evening had by all!