We had a fantastic time on the 18.01.18 with 1st Abergele Cubs, running our Mars Mission egg drop!
We held a competition to test which teams expensive technical equipment (an egg)would survive the long drop from the probe to the surface of Mars!
Everyone enjoyed the session and came up with amazing innovative ideas!
We challenged the Cubs to design and make a protective lander for the equipment so that it lands safely on Mars.
They worked in teams to design and build a Mars lander from a range of materials.
The landers were then put to the test to see which survive the impact.
They had to minimize the force of the impact in order to give their eggs the best chance of survival!
They learnt about acceleration, velocity, gravity and much more!
The winning team was………..
Team Minions – Zac, Osian & Seren!

From left to right: Zac, Osian & Seren.
The winners of the competition with their prizes!
The winners were absolutely thrilled with their prizes!
The team who came 2nd in the competition was……
Team Bob – Phoenix & Romeo

Phoenix and Romeo.
The runners-up of the competition with their prizes!
They too were very pleased with their prizes!
Congratulations to the winners!